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Stretched Canvas

Image is printed on high quality canvas and then stretched around a wooden frame ready for hanging.

photo 18-8-21, 9 30 19 pm.jpg

Stretched Canvas
- Framed

A stretched canvas displayed within a 4cm thick floating frame, Frame made from a solid, wood-like plastic composite material available in black, white or woodgrain.

Acrylic Print

The contemporary, frameless look of acrylic prints makes the photos shine. Giving your image a 3D floating effect when hanging from the wall.

Similar in feel to prints on glass, acrylic is lighter and more durable, making it the perfect material to use for displaying photos in your bathroom and kitchen. 



Stone Print
- Framed

Your image will be printed directly onto a stone surface, The porous nature of stone adds texture and depth to your image and provides a natural matt finish, scratch and water resistant. Framed in a hand crafted hardwood timber frame, creating a simple and beautiful art piece. These handmade  prints are an individual and distinctive alternative to canvas, paper or glass prints, each with its own character and charm.

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